Written by: Daniel Cavalcanti
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New  preprint  by INL  “A central limit theorem for partially distinguishable bosons”

We generalize the quantum central limit theorem for non-interacting bosonic systems to partially distinguishable bosons. This work leads to a better understanding of how subsystems of partially distinguishable bosons reach equilibrium after a large …
April 24, 2024
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Quantum Lab is pleased to announce the 2024 edition of the Italian Quantum Weeks exhibition “Speak the Unspeakable”

Quantum Lab is pleased to announce the 2024 edition of the Italian Quantum Weeks (https://quantumweeks.it) exhibition "Speak the Unspeakable: A Journey into Quantum Mechanics" to be held at the Botanical Garden of Rome from …
April 10, 2024
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Le Scienze, article on EPIQUE

Interview by the Italian magazine 'Le Scienze' with Fabio Sciarrino presenting the EPIQUE project
April 9, 2024
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Start of EPIQUE, to developing the European photonic quantum computer

A European €10 million project led by the Sapienza University of Rome with 18 partners. To pave the way for a European quantum computer based on photons, the quanta of light: this is the challenge of EPIQUE, the …
March 22, 2024